Friday, July 31, 2009

Instant Karma

Imma be buyin this lovely album today, proceeds go to help Darfur.
I'm glad they've organized this. It's very convenient.
Thank You!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Catherine Baba

She is TOO awesome, but I her snobbish style is turning me off. Jeez, I hope I'm wrong about it and she's a lovely, humble, down-to-earth person.
Probably not.

Hepburn and Givenchy

Jesus, speaking of icons
My favourite dress from Sabrina. Although the white number is amazing too.
mmmmmm bows! Shoulders!

This dress is TOO beautiful
I just had to share it
I still haven't even found out who made it.

So today I went to la bookstore (yay) and got:
My story - Marilyn Monroe
Carl Sagan - Cosmos
Maryln Monroe LIFE Magazine
10 Magazine (YES!YES!YES!)
10 magazine is TOO good to be true.
Why. is. life. awesome.

Watching all these Chanel commercials I realize I should rewatch Gilda. I never appreciated all its rouge the first time I watched it.
I was young. I was innocent. I was cynical.
*Goes puts on red nail polish*

On an angry note, let's take turn a critical eye on the phrase "Cannot be expressed in words";
Well, what do you think words are for? Those 5 words are the reason why there is less poetry in the world. Honestly, laws are turned at all the wrong things.

P.S. Someone please help me find out who made that gress. gross, I mean dress.


Much of the violence in Sudan, which has created over 1 million refugees, has been attributed to militias known as the Janjaweed.

Who are the Janjaweed?
The word, an Arabic colloquialism, means "a man with a gun on a horse." Janjaweed militiamen are primarily members of nomadic "Arab" tribes who've long been at odds with Darfur's settled "African" farmers, who are darker-skinned.
Until 2003, the conflicts were mostly over Darfur's scarce water and land resources—desertification has been a serious problem, so grazing areas and wells are at a premium. In fact, the term "Janjaweed" has for years been synonymous with bandit, as these horse- or camel-borne fighters were known to swoop in on non-Arab farms to steal cattle.
The Janjaweed started to become much more aggressive in 2003, after two non-Arab groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement, took up arms against the Sudanese government, alleging mistreatment by the Arab regime in Khartoum. In response to the uprising, the Janjaweed militias began pillaging towns and villages inhabited by members of the African tribes from which the rebel armies draw their strength—the Zaghawa, Masalit, and Fur tribes.
Government involvement
In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in June 2004, a field researcher with Human Rights Watch stated that the Sudanese army was openly recruiting horse-owning Arab men, promising them a gun and a monthly salary of $116 in exchange for joining a Janjaweed cohort. The International Crisis Group says that money that gets paid to the Janjaweed "comes directly from booty captured in raids on villages," giving them an additional incentive to act with extreme brutality.
There are numerous reports from international aid workers maintaining that Janjaweed raids are preceded by aerial bombardments by the Sudanese air force, that Janjaweed commanders are living in government garrison towns, and that Janjaweed militiamen wear combat fatigues identical to those of the regular army. Those who've interviewed refugees from Darfur also allege that Janjaweed commanders are using racism as a rallying point, encouraging their charges to rape the dark-skinned villagers they encounter during their raids.
The Sudanese government has strongly denied offering any support to the Janjaweed.

The Sudanese government has been accused of tampering with evidence, such as attempting to cover up graves. The Sudanese government has also arrested and harassed journalists, thus limiting the extent of press coverage of the situation in Darfur.

While the United States government has described the conflict as genocide, the UN has not recognized the conflict as such. On 31 January 2005, the UN released a 176-page report saying that while there were mass murders and rapes of Darfurian civilians, they could not label the atrocities as "genocide" because "genocidal intent appears to be missing".

Brendan I. Koerner on Slate and Wikipedia


Everyone has the potential to be perfectly happy.
Or they should.
Save the world.

I'm just posting these on twitter right now.
I should do more ... : \

Serge Lutens for Shiseido

He has a beautiful heart.

I just found Dita Von Teese's Burlesque dancing. I love it! It has a history... it's a craft.
Anything that devotes itself to an image without shame and constraint is worth appreciating.
Such courage.

: )

I came to the door holding a picture
We need to read it to ourselves every night
A night lives forever
We stop digging dirt with nails
and just imagine
do not confuse the two.

Chanel No. 5
Oh my love, come with me
to the sea of love
Do you remember when we met?
That's the day, I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you, how much I love you

You hate me, right?
Say it.
Say that you hate me.
Its a terrible feeling, really terrible.
Because I want you.
I want you so much that I think I'm going to die.

There is a Chanel advertising campaign called Share the fantasy.
Words could not be more accurate. It's not a delusion. It's just a beautiful fog that stays in your head.
Sometimes it comes out as colors, sometimes as words, sometimes it's the wind playing in your hair, sometimes as a gift.
It's just love. The smartest love imaginable.
The wisdom of women bottled in perfume, pressed on lipstick, rolled into pearls; the movement when you look someone in the eye.
We're all in love.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Carl Sagan

It is an astonishing fact that there are laws of nature, rules that summarize conveniently—not just qualitatively but quantitatively—how the world works. We might imagine a universe in which there are no such laws, in which all the elementary particles that make up a universe like our own behave with utter and uncompromising abandon. To understand such a universe we would need a brain at least as massive as the universe. It seems unlikely that such a universe could have life and intelligence, because beings and brains require some degree of internal stability and order. But even if in a much more random universe there were such beings with an intelligence much greater than our own, there could not be much knowledge, passion, or joy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Something in the things she shows me

Giving feels like giving up and vice versa. I don't know when to stop. I don't know when I've done enough.
I've taken too much so I don't mind giving it all away.
Let's say all this in a nice way. With some nice pictures.
I do not have a head.
It just levels off into clouds.
which are carried off
to rain on your house.
I'm a tree
and I rain apples
and answers

I know I'm not here
but today there is nothing to push
nothing is here.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Baby Burlesque

Shirley Temple in Polly Tix in Washington (1933)
Toddlers playing adult roles. A really adult role: Shirley Temple plays a callgirl.
"You're crazy! You've got to be good to get this good stuff in these hard times!"

Cycle of life 3

Green, red; greed red; green red.

Cycle of life 2

Go, stop; go stop; go, stop

Who is that handsome man?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Time makes me happy

Proucurando o Cavalinho Azul(Looking for the Blue Pony)
Katia M.
Age 9
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dos Crawlé (The Backstroke)
Poster paint
Azzeddine E.
Age 6
Amiens, France

Trucks and Cars
Crayon and pen
Tyler L.
Age 5
Connecticut, USA

Vegetable...! Vegetable...!! Vegetable...!!!
Supuni Sonali J.
Age 9
Malabe, Western Province, Sri Lanka

Boy Going for a Walk
Sandeep W.
Age 4
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Victoire de Castellane on LOVE magazine

What's the best way to show someone you love them?
Go back home every night.

And the worst?
Wait for him every night.

The Wedding Party, Henri Rousseau

Some naive art, to go with naivity:

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.
-Kahlil Gibran

Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.

Time is a game played beautifully by children.
- Heraclitus, Fragments

The Japanese say; if you have only two pennies left in the world, with the first penny, you should buy rice to feed your family. With the second penny, you should buy a lily.


"There is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another.” – Alexander Dumas.
I had a similar thought the other day;
Happiness, sadness, its all just change; A slope, a deviance. I am positive 3 right now, I am negative one half.

The cycle of life

Live, write, live, write, live, write.


I wanted nothing and suddenly I’ve died.
Interaction is such a finely weighed balance; a mobile of golden teaspoons and ladles. A puppet show.
The Toulouse-Lautrec paintings are just because. I wanted to read my tea leaves.
I think I've fallen far enough into the cleavage of obscurity and now I'm stuck because the tunnel narrows. There was nowhere else to go so my feelings (for lack of a better term) just keep pushing at it. Once in awhile my awareness catches up to it and I can explain life in six words. But then it looses me again. All the while I seem constant to others.
I've been crossing the Atlantic for years without reaching land.
-Who's younger?
-When I'm bored, I feel old.
-And tonight?
-I am 1000 years old.
(From Coco Avant Chanel)
(I hate writing the search tags. I feel like a beggar. A prostitute of words)

A means

How to make some nice money. Good for writers.

You can take care of someone's vacation home. Example:
BELIZE, CENTRAL AMERICAHOUSESITTER WANTED during owner's absence. You can explore the jungle, fish, snorkel in the coral reef, or take some canoe trips. I need a housesitter for the month of June. Have your own bedroom, living room and bath on 3rd floor overlooking the Caribbean. Pay for telephone, electricity, and your own food. Please write to X. XXXXX, XXXX SW 138th Avenue, Miami, FL 33186 or call (305) XXX-XXXX.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Latin Profanities

From the all-knowing wikipedia:
Futuō, infinitive; futuere, perfect; futuī, past participle futūtum, Latin for "to copulate", is richly attested and useful.
Futuō, unlike "fuck", was more frequently used in erotic and celebratory senses rather than derogatory ones or insults. A woman of Pompeii wrote the graffito fututa sum hic ("I got laid here") and prostitutes, canny at marketing, appear to have written other graffiti complimenting their customers for their sexual prowess: Felix bene futuis ("Felix, you have fucked well"); Victor bene valeas qui bene futuis ("Victor, best wishes to one who has fucked well.") It should be noted that the grammar of these graffiti is Vulgar Latin.”

At the end of the day…

Some of my favorites:
perfututum = totally fucked
dēfutūta = fucked out, exhausted from intercourse
futūtor = fucker
merda = shit

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Come on!!


The six ways of committing gluttony:
Praepropere - eating too soon.
Laute - eating too expensively (washedly).
Nimis - eating too much.
Ardenter - eating too eagerly (burningly).
Studiose - eating too daintily (keenly).
Forente - eating wildly (boringly).
It's funny because I'm on a diet. Haha, no. : (

My favourite is Forente. I want to eat wildly! One hand! Two hands! No hands!
Proverbs 23:20-21 "Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags."

Proverbs 23:2 "And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite."
Wouldja lookit that? My first time quoting the bible. : D I knew this day would come.
And now... segway to This is why you're fat.

: )

Not today, baby.

(But seriously, welcome to a turducken: a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. And the green grass grows all around all around and the green grass grows all around)


A pleasantly gorey picture

Kurt Vonnegut.

Excerpts from Wikipedia because I'm lazy like that:

Because the events have made him insane, Billy has come "unstuck in time." He is kidnapped by extraterrestrial aliens from the planet Tralfamador. They exhibit him in a zoo with movie star Montana Wild-Hack as his mate. The Tralfamadorians, who can see in four dimensions, have already seen every instant of their lives. They believe in predestination. They say they cannot choose to change anything about their fates, but can choose to concentrate upon any moment in their lives, and Billy becomes convinced of the correctness of their theories.

Slaughterhouse-Five explores Fate and Free Will and the illogical nature of human beings. Protagonist Billy Pilgrim is unstuck in time, randomly experiencing the events of his life, with no idea of what part he next will visit (re-live) — so, his life does not end with death; he re-lives his death, before its time, an experience often mingled with his other experiences.
Billy Pilgrim says there is no free will; an assertion confirmed by a Tralfamadorian, who says, "I've visited thirty-one inhabited planets in the universe . . . Only on Earth is there any talk of free will." The story's central concept: most of humanity is inconsequential; they do what they do, because they must.
To the Tralfamadorians, everything simultaneously exists, therefore, everyone is always alive. They, too, have wars and suffer tragedies (they destroy the universe whilst testing spaceship fuels), but, when Billy asks what they do about wars, they reply that they simply ignore them. The Tralfamadorians counter Vonnegut's true theme: life, as a human being, is only enjoyable with unknowns. Tralfamadorians do not make choices about what they do, but have power only over what they think (the subject of Timequake). Vonnegut expounds his position in chapter one, "that writing an anti-war book is like writing an anti-glacier book," both being futile endeavours, since both phenomena are unstoppable. This concept is difficult for Billy to accept, at first.

The picture is of Dresden. Whatever that is. Ye, I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I just search for random picture because I like 'em. There ain't no higher purpose. I'm an ignorant fool.
: \
Since we're on this topic, I'd like to share what I remember about a poem I saw on the wall of the Holocaust Memorial in Washington: Something along the lines of "I scream, and turn grey"
Damn, I wish I could remember more. It was so good.
I used to be an avid Jew-joke teller, until I went to that memorial.
No, fuck that, I will never renounce shock humor. Shock humor for lyfe, yo.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Because I forgot to fall asleep.

Smoking does nothing for me
I'm not anxious before and
I'm not calm after
It's not some great input output machine
it ain't no cosmic linear
equation, relation,
In fact,
I am the linear
God has no heartbeat
his words speak
and we repeat
and repeat and repeat
until it forms our mind
in time
and in rhyme
hold on to those words
it folds and reloads
into those folds
in geo-geometry

Sam the ugly dog

I just had to.
ugly is the only cure


Great. Now I can't sleep. Fuck excitement.
I try not to get worked up, but honestly, I'm just a dog. And a kid. A dog-kid. I believe they have a word for that. In Korean; a dog-baby literally means bitch.
Nananana I am a bitch : )
Oh twelve o'clock boredom.
I promise to be more professional tomorrow.
Sometimes I'm an entirely different age. Depending on the time of day.
Like an ogre, like an onion;
I'm stinky : )
In the most prolific way possible : )


My belly so full of bubbles, my shoes so full of feet

My hair so full of electricity and my heart so full of meat

My hands so full of thinking, my tongue is lost in time
My under-arms are leaking of sawdust and of grime
My brain encapsulated, with the latest news of late
My weary breast can take no more, no more words on silver plates
My clock is past its midnight, my hourglass is bent
All the while my shoulders, are working past its bent (oops)
A penny for a simpleton, a dollar for a rhyme
I'm collecting change, change is all but mine
Everyone is working, spinning all around the clock
Only I can see her face, her nose, her tick, her tock.
I would like to rearrange her mouth and raised eyebrow
So it looks like she is frowning when she's only upside-down
Everything is happy and everyone is sad
Everyone is watching for someone to get mad.


:) goodnight, and ladies, good morning!

Allen Ginsberg

Who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high stay up smoking in the supernatual darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating jazz;
Check out more of his doodldidums
Note to self: find a rooftop.

Ars Subtilior

Music written under the era of Mannerism, or "stylish style."
Mannerism is a catch-all phrase to describe the era between the Renaissance and Baroque. There is an emphasis on the elaborate techniques and intellect of the artist, and the artificial rather than natural. In other words, its pompous and frumpy, but in an amusing way (to me, at least). The music similarly is very hard to read, sing, and even enjoy. Just look at all the trouble they went through!
I still find it cute; like very elaborate lace. It may be the Marie Antoinette in me. I have a feeling that no one took this stuff too seriously; the content was secular, and usually about "pettier" subjects. The chanson is about Belle, bonne, sage, by Baude Cordier,
The red notes represent third note alterations. It's a technique common to ars subtilitor called coloration.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Because I'm a noob

I am a man of few words!

(ACGRHK I need to figure out how to post the actual video.)


I think hands are beautiful.
Everyone wants to decorate a body part that they like. I like to consider the intuition behind it. For example, I like putting rings on my right thumb and forefinger. Must later, I realized that it might have to do with writing and holding pens.
And people who like shoes might like travel, or wandering
I like to think that the mind/desires/fate are scattered around our body.
I'm trying very hard to listen. But the world likes to pull at you and show you things.